27 February 2008

home and away.

I feel homesick tonight.
As I rode the metro home, after a full day of classes and a meeting with our program director, I longed to see a familiar face among the strangers.
It's funny to think that when planning to study abroad, one never really pictures having to go to buy books for class, or dedicating a few hours a week to actually doing homework. Although Villanova generously requests only a "C" in order for credits to transfer, finding out that I'm going to be expected to read a novel in French per week is overwhelming.
And so, as I left Gibert Joseph with more looseleaf that's the wrong size, a wave of longing came over me; longing for my own bed, my family, my friends... even for classes at Villanova, where I can fully express my ideas without stumbling over vocabulary and complicated verb conjugation.

Tonight, home just seems further than usual.


Anonymous said...

Oh Shin, I am sure everyone misses you too, but what a great chance you have! Look forward to you comming to London and I will give you the biggest hug, wont be as good as your Mums, but hopefully the next best thing. We love you lots and please dont be lonely.
Paula xx

colleencurry said...

You know what's weird? The only thing I really miss on a daily basis--out of all those things you listed-- are Villanova classes. But I only miss them because I miss having class with my friends. English classes with you and rob (and tom celona, courtney sexton, etc.) when you can write notes and tell jokes and make faces are way cooler even than british accents.

in other news, see you in a weeeeeeek!!!

D said...

But you have greeted a familiar face this morning and will have the pleasure of showing Diana "your temporary home-Paris"!!!!!
"I should be so lucky, lucky, lucky, lucky"-that's a song and I'm singing it and smiling at you :)

Debbie said...

Surprise! It's Mrs. Curry. You never know who is reading your blog :)

Just found it after reading your comments on colleen's blog...now I can tour London & Paris vicariously!

Although this entry is a little heartsick (this too shall pass), it does sound as if you are having a wonderful time. I am taking notes on restaurants and crepes for when we visit in April with Colleen. I DO hope that we get to see you before you leave for London.

Enjoy the rest of your time in Paris and keep those restaurant reviews coming!

Anonymous said...

I get to see you so soon!!! I miss you more than the world, and I cannot wait to get to Paris and see your lovely face!! Make sure to find the best crepes for me with lots of Nutella. LOVE YOU!!


The Captain (Becky)